
We are a small company with a big heart. Our work is grounded in understanding what matters to people.

From co-creation to implementation, we serve meaningful collaborations that lead to tangible, place-based results.

Our clients face a range of complex questions that have no easy or ‘right’ answer. We don’t presume to have the answers for you. Instead, we let our expertise and curiosity drive us by asking questions, and understanding what matters in each unique case. We bring interdisciplinary methods to each project and consider all of our work collaborative in nature.

Nicole Kaechele


Nicole is passionate about working with people in the places they call home. A primary focus in her practice is understanding what matters to people, and ensuring these values form the foundation of more equitable and resilient partnerships. This focus, alongside her commitment to leveling the playing field across diverse decision-making contexts and supporting the ongoing need to decolonize our systems of governance, drives her dedication to supporting collaborative spaces across scales. 

At a personal level, Nicole’s style is relational and direct; she seeks to bring clarity to complex issues while respecting the diversity of worldviews and experience represented within collaborative processes. Nicole calls the Westcoast of British Columbia home.

We regularly enhance our expertise by collaborating with partners.

Our partners  are interdisciplinary, bringing expertise in decision analysis, quantitative methods, statistical analysis, Indigenous legal theory, environmental and cumulative effects assessment, and much more. We work formally with The Eskina Collaboration and partner in creative ways with a wide network, bringing specific expertise to meet each project's requirements.

our services
Our partners

Working across a wide network to meet our clients' needs.

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