Featured Work

We work in the fields of stewardship planning, collaborative governance, and
reconciliation facilitation to support all facets of a project or process.

People-centered work that
delivers meaningful results.

We focus on listening, building trust, and using multidisciplinary methods in our work with people and complex issues.
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In partnership with The Eskina Collaboration we brought our expertise in research, planning, and climate change to produce a report for the S’ólh Téméxw Stewardship Alliance (STSA) that provided a survey of existing Indigenous approaches to climate change planning and management. We identified strategic and practical considerations to inform next steps to support the development and implementation of a Stó:Lō-led approach to tackling climate change planning across the territory.
We worked with the Union of BC Indian Chiefs and the University of British Columbia Centre for Climate Justice to develop a Community Capacity Toolkit in support of the implementation of the BC First Nations Climate Strategy and Action Plan (BCFNCSAP). The Toolkit synthesizes funding, training, and certification opportunities available to First Nation governments and community members for addressing climate action priorities, and provides an analysis of challenges and opportunities for consideration by UBCIC leadership.
In partnership with The Eskina Collaboration we were hired as a third party evaluator to assess MaPP’s co-governance structures and processes. We used a mixed methods approach, including survey design and implementation, key informant interviews, and data analysis, to present a report with highlighted recommendations for the partnership.
Since 2015, we have worked with the Nuxalk Ancestral Governance Project in Nuxalk territory to research and revitalize Nuxalk legal principles and decision-making protocols. This work is carried out in partnership with the Nuxalk Ancestral Governance office team, Nuxalk Stataltmc (Hereditary Chiefs), and an Advisory Committee of cultural leaders, knowledge holders, youth, and elders.
Supporting the organizational goals of CCIRA, we provided technical and strategic planning support to a range of marine stewardship programs, including the Central Coast Coastal Guardian Watchmen, the Marine Plan Partnership for the North Pacific Coast, and the Marine Protected Area Network socio economic committee.
With colleagues and communities, we have co-led several projects to categorize and assess losses from a range of historical impacts. This work includes the development of innovative methods to quantify both tangible and intangible impacts.
We lead the development and implementation of an engagement process and climate adaptation plan for Vancouver Coastal Health’s HealthADAPT project on the Central Coast of British Columbia. We worked with community liaisons to carry out this work in remote communities throughout the COVID pandemic.
In partnership with Robin Gregory, we worked with staff and community members of Semá:th First Nation to develop a report outlining key methodological considerations to improve socioeconomic assessments of priority species in fisheries management and decision-making.